2024 Event Calendar
June - December
Lunch at Escalante's
Wednesday, August 14th | 11:30 a.m. | Escalante's Restaurant | Town and Country
Interested in TCCEF and our connectional ministries? Want to meet people who do the same kind of work you do? Not really bothered by those two things but like Mexican food? Then do we have the event for you!
Join us for lunch on July 10th at the Town and Country Escalante's. It's food, fellowship, fun and they probably have those free mints for after lunch - W's all round.
R.S.V.P. to Katy Sabayrac if you can make it
Midweek Ministry: Best Ideas
Wednesday, August 14th | 1:00 p.m. | ZOOM
Whether you’re starting something new or your church has a thriving midweek ministry - bring your questions and ideas to our lunchtime ZOOM meeting.
R.S.V.P. to Katy Sabayrac for the ZOOM details.
Soul Care For Leaders
Saturday, September 24th | 9:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. | St. Paul's UMC, Houston
Come join us at St. Paul's United Methodist Church for an insightful event focusing on mental health within the church community. This gathering aims to create a safe space for discussions, support, and learning about self-care and mental wellness. Whether you're seeking guidance or looking to offer support to others, this event is for you.
Let's come together to prioritize soul care and foster a healthy and supportive church.
Advent: Best Ideas
Wednesday, October 9th | 12:00 p.m. | ZOOM
Are you seeking new ideas for Advent bible studies or planning an Advent Messy Church? Let's work together at our quarterly "Share and Steal ZOOM Meeting" (official name pending).
R.S.V.P. to Katy Sabyrac for the ZOOM deets.
Christmas Lunch at Barnaby's
Wednesday. December 4th | 11:30 a.m. | Barnaby's Cafe on Heights Blvd.
O Come All Ye Hungry for our annual Christmas lunch at Barnaby's Cafe. To be clear, this is a lunch at Christmas time and not a "Christmas Lunch" - if you want goose you'll have to go somewhere else. You'll also notice that this lunch is on December 4th relatively close to the beginning of Advent. This is so that we who are actively working in ministry will still be somewhat coherent before the true Christmas chaos sets in.